Free short story on my newsletter!

It’s publication day for In Midnight’s Shadow! I'm so happy this little collection of stories is out in the world. I had such fun writing this book and I can't wait for you to read it. You can find it on Amazon.

To celebrate the book’s release, I’ve sent out a free short story to my newsletter subscribers, but it’s not too late to get a copy - I have included a link to download the story in the welcome newsletter sent to all new subscribers.

Interlude fits between stories five and six in In Midnight’s Shadow (The First Temple and Midnight in Flaeres). It's a fun, silly little story that I originally wrote as a Christmas present for my mum, who loves these characters as much as I do. She felt a little sorry for Esar after the events in the The First Temple and thought he deserved a bit of a break because things all get rather tense from that point on. Interlude is my attempt to give him one, although it turns out that it's rather hard to persuade Esar to just chill out...

If you would like to read Interlude, here’s the newsletter sign up form. I send these out once a month at most with book news, what I’m writing, reading recommedations and the odd free story.


The Long Dream boxset published on Amazon