Welcome to my fictional worlds

About me
Fantasy fan since forever, coffee-obsessed, cake-loving ex-Londoner, wife, mother, journalist, editor, designer, and cowrie collector.
I received a lovely, unexpected email a couple of weeks ago letting me know that The Many Shades of Midnight has been nominated in the 2024 Indie Ink Awards for Best Friendship and Side Character MVP.
It’s publication day for In Midnight’s Shadow! To celebrate the book’s release, I’ve sent out a free short story to my newsletter subscribers, but it’s not too late to get a copy.
This is something I’ve been meaning to do for AGES but never got around to - I have finally published both volumes of The Long Dream series as a boxset
Almost 300 indie sci-fi, fantasy and horror ebooks will be on sale from 13-15 April as part of the Narratesse sale for Indie April, which celebrates independently published fiction.
It’s not a prequel, it’s not a sequel, and it’s not even a book I expected to write, but I’m excited to reveal that there is a book two in my Tales of Iysr series coming soon.
I entered The Many Shades of Midnight into SPFBO9 alongside 299 other books, never expecting to get anywhere, and I've just reached the semi-finals!
Fantasy fan since forever, coffee-obsessed, cake-loving ex-Londoner, wife, mother, journalist, editor, designer, and cowrie collector.